Monday, December 17, 2012

a new life to live

When I'm with you
The rest disappear
They slip far away
With the stroke of my ear
And your hand on my cheek
You're cupping my face
And holding me close
Anchored into this place
And it's not about land
Or constellations in the sky
It's having you near
And being there by your side
And without the words
I know what you feel
Your lips they are mine
And your kisses I steal
And the more that I take
The more that you give
There were lives once before
And a new life to live.

what it is

We know what we want
We know we want this
And now we can grieve
For days that we missed
Spent wandering around
And trying new things
And making mistakes
And making new dreams
And going in circles
And finding the line
And finding our truth
And finding the time
To only discover
It always was this
And we know now for sure
What it is we would miss... x